Tumbleweed Cleanup at ERDF Lifting a Big Load Up on the Roof! CTI-VNSFS Environmental, LLC (CVE), operate the ERDF and the Integrated Disposal Facility (IDF) for Central Plateau Cleanup Company. Doing Important Work at IDF Cloud Cover Big wheel, keep on turnin'! Handford Finishes Building Disposal Facility for Tank Waste Treatment Mission Frozen solid as a rock! A Year in Review - 2023 The Cobb Shop Welcome to the team, Ben! Here's your sign(s)! Final Construction Phase at IDF More than 19 million tons disposed at ERDF ERDF Crew Rebuilds Old Workhorse Dozer Grouting waste at Hanford ERDF Crews Prepare for Winter Adjusting the Workday at ERDF to Beat the Heat CVE crew at ERDF disposes of long-length item from one of the double-shell tanks at Hanford ERDF Health & Safety Manager selected chairman of AIHA CVE crew at ERDF receives four ion exchange modules from Hanford 100K Area CVE Crew Members Attend VPP Safety Summit, Supporting CPCCo CVE Supports CPCCO Cleanup Mission Across the Hanford Complex ERDF Crew Tackles Tough Equipment Repairs Spiders, Snakes and Ravens … Oh My! ERDF Crew Safely Works Among Wildlife New Ramps Come, Old Ramps Go Time lapse video of Building 276C demolition - the waste from which was disposed at ERDF Excavators Retired After Distinguished Careers Salt Well Screen Disposed at ERDF ERDF Deals with Frozen Water Lines CVE crew disposes of two water tanks from the Effluent Treatment Facility Proud be a part of major safety milestone at Y-12 PIDAS team named NNSA Security Team of the Year CVE supports uncommon collaboration at Y-12 Video shows important changes taking place at Y-12, including PIDAS