CTI-VNSFS Environmental (CVE) plays an integral role in waste disposition across the Hanford Complex, including operation, inspection and maintenance of the ERDF and of the IDF – demonstrating our ability to successfully operate the DOE’s largest MLLW, CERCLA near surface Treatment Storage Disposal Facility. The 107-acre ERDF facility is the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) largest landfill and a critical component of Hanford’s overall cleanup strategy. The 10-celled facility, regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, is authorized to accept, stage, treat and dispose of low-level radioactive, hazardous and mixed wastes generated by Hanford environmental restoration activities.
VNSFS, which has managed ERDF since 2013 and IDF since 2020. Its success at ERDF served as a catalyst for the award of work to perform the design, construction support and interim operations at IDF, which is designed to receive immobilized low-activity waste (ILAW) from the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) and other low-level waste from Hanford Site operations. The CVE joint venture, which was awarded the contract to operate both landfills in January 2023, works closely with all Hanford waste generators to ensure waste acceptance criteria and regulatory compliance are met during all phases of waste generation, containerization, transport and disposal activities. IDF, like ERDF, plays a critical role in the disposition of waste from the Hanford reservation. Our success at ERDF served as a catalyst for our involvement at IDF, including the design and construction support of the IDF, and performance since 2020 of the interim operations and maintenance of the facility.